xQIT W. M. Keck Foundation Center For Extreme Quantum Information Theory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Quantum Information Courses at MIT

Currently Offered Core Subjects

2.111 / 18.435J / ESD.79J: Quantum Computation
E. Farhi, S. Lloyd, P. Shor

Provides an introduction to the theory and practice of quantum computation. Topics covered: physics of information processing; quantum algorithms including the factoring algorithm and Grover's search algorithm; quantum error correction; quantum communication and cryptography. Knowledge of quantum mechanics helpful but not required.


6.443J / 8.371J / MAS.865J: Quantum Information Science
I. Chuang

Subject examines quantum computation and quantum information. Topics include quantum circuits, quantum Fourier transform and search algorithms, physical implementations, the quantum operations formalism, quantum error correction, stabilizer and Calderbank-Shor-Steans codes, fault tolerant quantum computation, quantum data compression, entanglement, and proof of the security of quantum cryptography. Prior knowledge of quantum mechanics and basic information theory is required.


6.453: Quantum Optical Communication
J.H. Shapiro

Quantum optics: Dirac notation quantum mechanics; harmonic oscillator quantization; number states, coherent states, and squeezed states; radiation field quantization and quantum field propagation; P-representation and classical fields. Linear loss and linear amplification: commutator preservation and the Uncertainty Principle; beam splitters; phase-insensitive and phase-sensitive amplifiers. Quantum photodetection: direct detection, heterodyne detection, and homodyne detection. Second-order nonlinear optics: phasematched interactions; optical parametric amplifiers; generation of squeezed states, photon-twin beams, non-classical fourth-order interference, and polarization entanglement. Quantum systems theory: optimum binary detection; quantum precision measurements; quantum cryptography; and quantum teleportation. Term paper required. Alternate years.


Other Relevant Subjects

6.763: Applied Superconductivity
T.P. Orlando

Phenomenological approach to superconductivity, with emphasis on superconducting electronics. Electrodynamics of superconductors, London's model, and flux quantization. Josephson junctions and superconducting quantum devices and detectors. Quantized circuits for quantum computing. Overview of type-II superconductors, critical magnetic fields, pinning, and microscopic theory of superconductivity. Alternate years.


8.422: Atomic and Optical Physics II
W. Ketterle, I. Chuang

The second of a two-term subject sequence that provides the foundations for contemporary research in selected areas of atomic and optical physics. Non-classical states of light- squeezed states; multi-photon processes, Raman scattering; coherence- level crossings, quantum beats, double resonance, superradiance; trapping and cooling- light forces, laser cooling, atom optics, spectroscopy of trapped atoms and ions; atomic interactions- classical collisions, quantum scattering theory, ultracold collisions; and experimental methods.


22.51: Quantum Theory of Radiation Interactions
D. Cory

Introduces elements of applied quantum mechanics and statistical physics. Starting from the experimental foundation of quantum mechanics, develops the basic principles of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Introduces quantum theory of radiation, time-dependent perturbation theory, transition probabilities and cross sections. Applications are to controlling coherent and decoherent dynamics with examples from quantum information processing.


MIT OpenCourseWare

18.435J / 2.111J / ESD.79J: Quantum Computation
P. Shor, Fall 2003


6.443J / MAS.865J / 8.371J: Quantum Information Science
I. Chuang, P. Shor, Spring 2006


6.453: Quantum Optical Communication
J. H. Shapiro, Fall 2004


6.763: Applied Superconductivity
T. P. Orlando, Fall 2005


8.422: Atomic and Optical Physics II
W. Ketterle, I. Chuang, Spring 2005




"The interdisciplinary nature of quantum information processing is one of its great strengths as a scientific field."