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Lorenzo Maccone

University of Pavia

Robust Strategies for Lossy Quantum Interferometry

November 20, 2008 - 8:55-9:20am

RLE Conference Center - 36-428


I give a simple multiround strategy that permits to beat the shot noise limit when performing interferometric measurements even in the presence of loss. In terms of the average number of photons employed, this procedure can achieve twice the sensitivity of conventional interferometric ones in the noiseless case. In addition, it is more precise than the (recently proposed) optimal two-mode strategy even in the presence of loss.


Lorenzo Maccone is a theoretical physicist, mainly interested in the study of fundamental aspects and of practical applications of Quantum Mechanics. His research activities have been chiefly devoted to quantum optics, quantum theory of measurement and quantum information theory. Some of the scientific interests Dr. Maccone has recently pursued:

  • Quantum parameter estimation: quantum positioning, quantum metrology, interferometric tunability of the absorption, quantum telescope.
  • Quantum foundations: information-disturbance tradeoffs, quantum thermodynamics.
  • Quantum computation: quantum solution to the Ulam problem, quantum Random Access Memory, quantum optical computation.
  • Quantum cryptography: quantum cryptographic ranging, quantum cryptographic protocol for the communication of reference frames, secure database interrogation, the QPQ cryptographic primitive.
  • Quantum state reconstruction: theoretical analysis and proposal of tomographic procedures for optical systems and systems with SU(1,1) and SU(2) symmetries, contribution to generalized tomography, application of quantum tomography to classical imaging.
  • Experimental proposals: Liouvillian superoperator measurement, optical Schr\"odinger cat, optical Fock state synthesis-measurement.
  • Entanglement, uses: quantum clock synchronization with dispersion cancellation, dynamical evolution of composite systems, conversion between speakable and unspeakable information.
  • Entanglement, new sources: difference-beam state.
  • Quantum-channel capacities: entanglement assisted capacity of bosonic channels, classical capacity of bosonic and Gaussian channels, waveguide capacity, ultimate limits to channel capacity.
  • Numerical simulations: Monte-Carlo simulations of laser master and Fokker Plank equations, Monte-Carlo simulations of numerous tomographic schemes.
  • Clock synchronization: conveyor belt clock synchronization protocol, limits to synchronization in the presence of decoherence.
  • Divulgation of Quantum Physics.