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Vittorio Giovannetti

Scuola Normale


Quantum MERA Channels

November 19, 2008 - 8:55-9:20am

RLE Conference Center - 36-428


Tensor networks representations  of  many-body quantum systems can be described in terms of quantum channels.  We focus on channels associated with the Multi-scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz (MERA) tensor network that has been recently introduced to efficiently describe critical systems. Our approach allows to compute the MERA correspondent to the thermodynamical limit of a critical system introducing a transfer matrix formalism and to relate the system critical exponents to the convergence rates of the associated channels.


Research field: Quantum Information and Quantum Optics 

Dr. Giovannetti have published more than 80 publications in international journals including Nature, Science, Phys. Rev. Lett. and I attended more than 15 international conferences giving invited and contributed talks. Education and Positions: 2008 I have been recently awarded with a 1.600.000 Euros grant by the Italian Government on  a research project on Quantum Interferometric Effects in Quantum Hall systems (ERC-FIRB grant 2008). 

12/2004-today: Assistant Professor at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) of Pisa under the ``Rientro cervelli'' MIUR program.
02/2004-12/2004: PostDoc at SNS; 
12/2000-02/2004: Post-Doctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge  (USA). 
02/02/2001: PhD in Theoretical Physics by the University of Perugia with a Thesis on Quantum coherence and Cavity QED (Supervisor: Prof. P. Tombesi); 
1998-2000: Ph.D. Student at the University of Camerino and Perugia, Italy; 1996: Laurea degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Pisa; (Supervisor: Prof. P. Grigolini).